TSASRA Coaches Education

2024-2025 Season TSASRA Coaches Education Events



The Tri-State Alpine Ski Racing Association Coaches Education and Development Team is pleased to present a unique educational on-snow clinic series to be presented over the course of four days by legendary former Head US Ski Team Coach Phil McNichol.

BERKSHIRE EAST – January 27-29, 2024

CATAMOUNT – January 30-31, 2024

OBJECTIVE: Review/Teach Fundamental Skills with a focus on building a knowledge/demonstration base for Level 100 and Level 200 On-Snow Assessment

The Four Fundamental Skills of Skiing - What does good fundamental skiing look like, and how do you work on having it?

  1. Balanced Athletic Stance
  2. Pressure
  3. Edging
  4. Rotary

Four areas of United State Ski & Snowboard Level 100 On-Snow Assessment

  1. Skiing Ability and Demonstration
    1. What skills should a coach have?
    2. How to develop those skills?
  2.  Movement Analysis
  1. What to look for?
  2. How to identify the good/the bad?
  3. Correlation between cause & effect
  4. How to prescribe logical corrections for identified deficiencies
  5. How to devise an appropriate lesson plan
  6. How to devise progressions
  1. Teaching and Coaching Ability
    1. How to develop a solid lesson plan
  2. Technique Knowledge
    1. Solid foundation required for # s 1,2, and 3


               January 27, 2024 – Berkshire East-   Hybrid in-person/remote in-door evening session

               January 28, 2024, Berkshire East  – Skiing Ability and Demonstration

               January 29, 2024, Berkshire East  – Teaching and Coaching Ability, which will include a deep dive into Movement Analysis, Technical Knowledge

               January 29, 2024, Location TBD - Hybrid in-person/remote in-door evening session

               January 30, 2024, Catamount  -  Skiing Ability and Demonstration

               January 31, 2024, Catamount   – Teaching and Coaching Ability, which will include a deep dive into Movement Analysis, Technical Knowledge

 Remote pre-sessions will be held the evening before Day 1 and repeated the evening  before Day 3. 


Registration will be through Adminskiracing.com, with a limited number of slots available.

Participants are encouraged to register for one to two days each to capture what they think they need or want to work on. This will also allow people to mix and match based on their schedules. 

COST:   $25 per day, to be paid though Adminskiracing.com

Register at AdminSkiRacing       All Events | AdminSkiRacing


A Note from Phil:

Tri-State Coaches,

I am excited to spend time with you and provide you with an opportunity to improve your coaching and, therefore, the experience your athletes receive through your effort to guide them towards improving their skiing and racing.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” - Jane Goodall

I look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience as we journey to be the best coaches we can be. An athlete's skill level or the amount of time they commit to a sport is only part of the equation. Our task is to improve people and show that progress is possible.

The program is divided into two distinct blocks: each with an indoor technical presentation and two days on snow. However, you are welcome to choose the days that best suit your schedule. Attending all four days will offer additional repetition and a variety of discussions and topics.

Jan. 27: Evening In-Door Session “Fundamental Skiing Skills Overview”

The fundamental skiing skills overview will follow the material presented in the L100 and L200 online modules, with in-depth insight and discussion from the module’s author. You can select either date and feel free to participate in both of these in-door sessions.

Jan. 28: On-Snow Session “Fundamental Skiing Skills”

This session will expose participants to the on-snow certification process, which US Ski and Snowboard uses in the Alpine L100 and L200 certification exams (skiing and demonstration are core competencies within each exam). The day will also explore additional fundamental skiing topics, specific methods for approaching fundamental ski training, and the use of drill courses focused on fundamental skiing tasks and objectives.

Jan. 29: On-Snow Session “Teaching and Coaching”

This session will introduce participants to the on-snow certification process used by US Ski and Snowboard in the Alpine L100 and L200 certification exams. It will also cover movement analysis, which is a core competency in the exams. In addition, it will introduce participants to methods in your teaching and coaching approach, which is also a core competency in the certification exams. Additional topics will be used to expand on coaching methods for approaching fundamental ski training and drill courses focused on fundamental skiing tasks and objectives.

Jan. 29: Evening In-Door Session “Fundamental Skiing Skills Overview”

The fundamental skiing skills overview will follow the material presented in the L100 and L200 online modules, with in-depth insight and discussion from the module’s author. You can select either date and feel free to participate in both of these in-door sessions.

Jan. 30: On-Snow Session “Fundamental Skiing Skills”

This session will expose participants to the on-snow certification process, which US Ski and Snowboard use in the Alpine L100 and L200 certification exams (skiing and demonstration are core competencies within each exam). The day will also explore additional fundamental skiing topics, specific methods for approaching fundamental ski training, and drill courses focused on fundamental skiing tasks and objectives.

Jan. 31: On-Snow Session “Teaching and Coaching”

This session will introduce participants to the on-snow certification process used by US Ski and Snowboard in the Alpine L100 and L200 certification exams. It will also cover movement analysis, which is a core competency in the exams. In addition, it will introduce participants to methods in your teaching and coaching approach, which is also a core competency in the certification exams. Additional topics will be used to expand on coaching methods for approaching fundamental ski training and drill courses focused on fundamental skiing tasks and objectives.

I am looking forward to working with the coaches in your region.



Phil McNichol






Virtual Clinic Series


Planning to Succeed with former US Ski Team Coach, Mike Day

December 12th

CLICK HERE to View Recording


Foundational Development for the Newer Racer

December 19th

CLICK HERE to View Recording

Resource Material: Attached are the presentation slides. CLICK HERE for SkillsQuest Site. CLICK HERE for USSA Alpine Guide to Ski Fundamentals


Language Locker

January 2nd

CLICK HERE to View Recording

Resource Material: Attached are the presentation slides. CLICK HERE for Language Locker working document.


Dig Deep with former Olympian, Doug Lewis (This is also open to all athletes and parents. Please share with your club)

January 9th

CLICK HERE to View Recording

Resource Material: CLICK HERE to Order Doug’s Ski Racing Journal.  50% discount offered to clubs.



For questions and feedback on coach education events, please reach out to:

Andy Lussier

TSASRA Vice President/Coaches Education and Development Chair


[email protected]